Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Scarves for 2014

My goal for 2014 was to place 365 scarves on this blog for the year.  I fell short of this.  Sometimes, life gets in the way but you continue on. I took a break for three months on the blog, but I will be better next year to at least publish once a week.

Santa Game Christmas Party

I went to a Christmas party and everyone was asked to bring a gift for the game.  Everyone chose a number.  Then the game began. When your number was called you could pick a gift from the table or steal a gift from someone who already had picked and opened the gift.  If your gift was stolen you could take from someone or pick from the table.  The gift could only go around  3 times and then it was yours.

I crocheted a scarf for the game.  The minimum was $25.  I created a scarf where I used 100% wool  from the Wool Company, Shepherd's Wool and Brooks Farm.   I used yarn from my stash that took the scarf over the minimum.

Thank you gift

 I had left my cell phone at work and a co-worker was supposed to meet me in the train station  after work  to give me my phone.  When I arrived, she was not there and I waited an additional 30 minutes for her.  I told her that I had another engagement to go to and that she could hold the phone until the next day.  However, she did not listen and took an additional 30 minutes from her time to bring me phone around 7:30 at night.  Good thing she did not listen because my dad had an emergency that night and he called me and I was able to get to him.   So, I made her this scarf to Thank her for doing me this favor.  I used Lion's Brand yarn.


On the Saturday after Halloween, I went bowling.  I was still in the Halloween mood since it was Friday.  I created a vest using sock yarn that had Halloween colors.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ballerina for my niece

I crochet a ballerina blanket for my niece.  The last time that I crocheted her a blanket was 9 years ago.  I wanted to give her something special and to celebrate her enjoyment of dance.  My sister says she loves it and slept with it the first night.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Crochet Luncheon

For our Luncheon, we raffle off items that members donate.  I had to complete two blankets from squares that were made from the previous years square contest.  The square contest are 12" crocheted squares that are submitted relating to the theme.  Last year's theme was Fall Harvest.  Therefore, the squares related to the season.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Crochet Luncheon for 2014

I have been missing a while in posting to this blog.  In September,  I was preparing for my crochet guild's annual luncheon.  I was the chairperson this year. I also had to created items for the table, fashion show and game.

   The Theme was Fairy Tales, Fantasy and Myths.

This is the blanket that I created for the game.  If you knew songs to fairy tales, you could have been the lucky winner.  Example: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious- Mary Poppins

For the Fashion show, I wore Queen of Hearts and Don't Eat the Apple

For the Centerpiece I created the Princess and the Pea